Supplier diversity is a strategic business practice focused on sourcing goods and services from a broad spectrum of suppliers, particularly those owned and operated by underrepresented groups such as women, minorities, disabled veterans, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBT+ community. At Merit Consulting Group Inc., Supplier Diversity is integral to our sourcing strategies as it allows us to build a robust pipeline of qualified and diverse candidates for job placement. This approach significantly enhances our ability to efficiently serve both our clients and employees.
As a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and certified Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBENC), Merit Consulting Group is dedicated to supporting the development of qualified diverse businesses. This includes actively partnering with individuals, companies, and nonprofit groups to create inclusive sourcing strategies that advance both racial equity and our business objectives.
Our commitment to supplier diversity has been unwavering over the years, and we are resolute in our mission to engage with diverse businesses to stimulate economic development and cultivate more resilient communities. By prioritizing supplier diversity, we not only strengthen our supply chain but also contribute to a more equitable and inclusive business environment.